The GeometryOF LIGHT Jean Nouvel French architect Jean Nouvel is renowned for designs that experiment with light and opacity. 建筑是空间的艺术,可是在 当代法国最具影响力的建筑 大师让·努维尔看来,光才 是一切建筑的源头。 让·努维尔 以光影雕刻空间 85 | · Feature 封面特辑 Interviews with specialists, market analysis and showcase of properties following a chosen theme 邀请业内知名专家针对某一特定主题发表看法 · News & Reviews 最新资讯及新闻回顾 Market analysis, new properties, emerging trends, investment tips 市场分析、新项目简介、 新兴潮流、投资指南 · Instyle & Photo Shooting 风行天下专栏 A creative collage of the latest luxury products in fashion, jewellery, furniture and home appliances 汇集了最新时尚用品、奢华珠宝首饰、 典雅家具和高端家用电器 · Creator 零距离 Interviews with leading designers 著名建筑师访谈 the right editorial environment 内容一览
Vietnam’s second home market, particularly the luxury segment, is still in its nascent stages, but the country’s delicate mix of cosmopolitan luxury and old world charm has seized the attention of global investors. MAKING Words 撰文: Sherisse Pham IN THE 热点聚焦focus | 成长中的梦想家园 虽然越南的第二住宅市场(尤其是豪宅市场)仍然处于起步阶段,但是这里到处洋溢着的古 老文明的深厚魅力和浪漫的热带风情依然吸引了无数全球投资者。 DREAMLANDVIETNAM:
越南: | · Focus 热点聚焦 In depth analysis of an emerging international market 国际热门市场深度报道 · Zoom 新视点 Showcase of the most exceptional properties for sale 待售高端项目的展示平台 · Vision 华墅风云 Previews a cutting-edge residential project yet to be completed 即将竣工的住宅项目预览 · Property Finder (divided into 5 sections) 梦想搜寻 (共5部分) Tropical Urban International Vineyards Islands 亚热带 城市 国际 葡萄酒庄园 岛屿 the right editorial environment 内容一览
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