Journal of Computer Science Technology杂志

Journal of Computer Science Technology杂志

  • 主管单位:中国科学院
  • 主办单位:中国计算机学会
  • 发行周期:双月刊
  • 创刊时间: 1986年
  • 国际刊号ISSN:1000-9000
  • 国内刊号CN:11-2296/TP
  • 语言:英语
  • 主编:郭杰丽
  • 邮发:2-578
  • 邮编:100190
  • 发行:北京
  • 期刊快捷分类:计算机

Journal of Computer Science Technology杂志简介

《Journal of Computer Science and Technology 》(JCST), the first English Language Journal of computer fields published in China, is distributed throughout the world. JCST is an international forum for scientists and engineers in all aspects of computer science and technology to publish high quality and refereed papers. Papers of original research and innovatory applications from all parts of the world are welcome. The papers for publication in JCST are selected through rigorous peer reviews to ensure originality, timeliness, relevance, and readability. While it emphasizes publication of previously unpublished materials, selected conference papers with exception merit that require wider exposure are, at the discretion of the editors, also published provided they meet the journal's peer review standard. JCST also seeks clearly written survey and review articles from experts in the field to promote insightful understanding of the state-of-the-art and the technology trends.

《Journal of Computer Science and Technology 》 is covered in many authoritative indexing and abstracting systems, such as SCIE, Web of Science, Research Alert, CompuMath Citation Index, Engineering Information, Computing Reviews, INSPEC, CBST, Abstracts Magazine, Computer Abstracts, Mathematica Review, Mathematics Abstracts, and DBLP.

Journal of Computer Science Technology栏目设置


Journal of Computer Science Technology广告刊登

Journal of Computer Science Technology广告投放、广告刊登电话,Journal of Computer Science Technology发行量大约本每期(双月刊)。欢迎企业或个人来电咨询有关Journal of Computer Science Technology的广告投放事宜!

Journal of Computer Science Technology期刊投稿

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