迪士尼专卖店(Disney Store)位于时代广场令人垂涎的心脏部位,其壮观的数字广告牌在时代广场上拥有最佳的视线。
The Disney Store Spectacular “wows” visitors as it towers six stories high, displaying exclusive Disney and unique 3rd party content.
Positioned right in the heart of the coveted “bow tie” section of Times Square, the Spectacular shines with “Disney magic” and provides the best sightlines in the Square.
Disney Store广告屏投放说明
媒体位置:曼哈顿时代广场45th/46th& Broadway
视频接受长度:15s, 30s
播放频次:5min/hr (每天19小时)
价格:35,000 USD/周, 14,000 USD/2天