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伟达公关(Hill+Knowlton Strategies)在经过激烈比稿后,赢得鞋履品牌卡骆驰(Crocs)在中国和韩国两大市场的公关代理业务。



卡骆驰亚太、土耳其、中东及非洲地区区域市场总监Serena Di Sarra称,“2017年,卡骆驰的业务重点是通过一场全球性营销战役“Come as you are”来推出其全新的产品阵容。因此,挑选一家兼具战略思维和丰富的市场执行经验的代理公司对于卡骆驰来说至关重要。”


伟达公关亚洲区总裁兼首席执行官John Morgan也表示,“卡骆驰是一个年轻且充满活力的品牌,我们非常期待与之在中、韩市场展开合作。我们相信这段合作能够见证创意的落地,并帮助卡骆驰品牌进一步扩大其在亚洲的影响力。”

Global footwear brand Crocs has appointed Hill+Knowlton Strategies as its PR agency in China and Korea. Following competitive pitches in both markets, Crocs sought an agency to promote its refreshed product lineup through its global “Come as you are” marketing campaign. FleishmanHillard previously held the Crocs account globally, including China and Korea, on a one-year retainer from January 2016. H+K will implement the brand’s PR strategy around the campaign, and also run Crocs’ press offices and KOL relations in both markets. “Crocs is a fresh and exciting brand and we are thrilled to be working with them in Korea and China,” said John Morgan, president and CEO of H+K Asia. “We firmly believe that this partnership will see us transform creative ideas into reality, helping Crocs gain even greater traction across Asia.” Serena Di Sarra, Crocs regional marketing director, AMEA, said H+K were both strategically minded and had the in-market experience to execute the brand’s plans in China and Korea.









Read more at: http://www.campaignasia.com/article/hk-strategies-wins-crocs-in-china-and-korea/437619

Global footwear brand Crocs has appointed Hill+Knowlton Strategies as its PR agency in China and Korea. Following competitive pitches in both markets, Crocs sought an agency to promote its refreshed product lineup through its global “Come as you are” marketing campaign. FleishmanHillard previously held the Crocs account globally, including China and Korea, on a one-year retainer from January 2016. H+K will implement the brand’s PR strategy around the campaign, and also run Crocs’ press offices and KOL relations in both markets. “Crocs is a fresh and exciting brand and we are thrilled to be working with them in Korea and China,” said John Morgan, president and CEO of H+K Asia. “We firmly believe that this partnership will see us transform creative ideas into reality, helping Crocs gain even greater traction across Asia.” Serena Di Sarra, Crocs regional marketing director, AMEA, said H+K were both strategically minded and had the in-market experience to execute the brand’s plans in China and Korea.









Read more at: http://www.campaignasia.com/article/hk-strategies-wins-crocs-in-china-and-korea/43761

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