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麦迪逊邦每周全球营销资讯/GlobalWire 0721




Joseph George (Joe), group chairman and CEO, MullenLowe Lintas Group, India and regional president, MullenLowe Group South & Southeast Asia, has decided to move on from the agency network at the end of September 2017. He now plans to pursue what he calls “his big dream”. In a stint of over 26 years with the company, he played numerous growth, brand management, client management and leadership roles locally, regionally and globally. Alex Leikikh, global CEO, MullenLowe Group said, “Joe has made such a huge contribution to the MullenLowe Group network that it really is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye to him. He has led MullenLowe Lintas Group to huge success within India, across the APAC region and on a global stage.” George joined Lintas India in 1991, and has been with the company throughout its journey of evolution; from Lintas India to MullenLowe Lintas Group today. He was appointed India CEO in 2011; and while continuing to be based in Mumbai, took on the additional responsibility of running the South Asia and Southeast Asia region for MullenLowe Group in 2016. He also serves on the global executive committee of the MullenLowe Group network. He was also the chief architect of the launch of the two new Indian agencies from the MullenLowe Lintas Group – Mullen Lintas in August 2015 and the recently launched PointNine Lintas. George said, “MullenLowe Lintas Group in India today is in the best shape it’s been in for a very long time. I couldn’t be moving on at a better time. Alex and I have worked closely over the past 8 months on the transition plan; and with the road map and the leadership in place for all three agencies of MullenLowe Lintas Group, I am confident that our agency network in India is ready to author its next chapter of success.” He led IPG’s agency-acquisition in Sri Lanka and subsequently its overall transformation; the re-structuring of the MullenLowe Thailand and Vietnam operations, as well as putting in place the leadership and brand and business strategy for the MullenLowe Singapore office. Succession plans for Joe’s Southeast Asia responsibilities are in advanced stages of finalisation, and will be announced by global CEO Alex Leikikh in the coming weeks. “This agency has given me everything. Probably more than I deserve! Twenty six years can be a lifetime, but there’s an impatient excitement in me today to want to start all over again. Ironically, and a tad illogically though, this urge to do so is because I have enjoyed every single day of my quarter century in this fabulous network,” said George.























































































Read more at: http://www.campaignasia.com/article/joseph-george-quits-mullenlowe-lintas-group/438167

※ Joseph George结束在MullenLowe Group26年的职业生涯

globalwire-MullenLowe Lintas Group-Joseph George

印度 – 近日,IPG旗下营销传播公司MullenLowe Lintas Group集团主席兼首席执行官、MullenLowe Group南亚及东南亚区域总裁Joseph George决定于今年9月份离职,结束其在MullenLowe Group26年的职业生涯转而追求自己的梦想(他自称是“his big dream”)。

George于1991年加入Lintas印度,2011年被任命为印度CEO,2016年又为MullenLowe Group管理南亚及东南亚地区业务。此外,他还曾是MullenLowe Group全球管理委员会中的一员。在他供职于MullenLowe Group的26年里,他促进了该集团的经济增长,提高了其品牌管理、客户管理能力。

MullenLowe Group全球首席执行官Alex Leikikh表示,“Joe(Joseph)为集团做出了巨大的贡献,他领导MullenLowe Lintas Group在印度、亚太地区甚至是在全球舞台上取得了巨大的成就。与之告别让人心情无比沉重。”

※ DDB悉尼任命Tara Ford为执行创意总监


澳大利亚 – 近日,DDB悉尼任命Tara Ford为执行创意总监。



※ 葛瑞新加坡任命新创意总监及策划总监


左起:Maurice Wee、Devika Johri

新加坡 –  近日,葛瑞集团新加坡(Grey Group Singapore)宣布两项人事任命:Maurice Wee担任创意总监一职,Devika Johri担任策划总监一职并负责客户葛兰素史克。履新后,Wee将负责该代理机构创意团队的概念发展过程。

此前,Wee曾在BBH APAC、TBWA新加坡、澳美新加坡、BBDO新加坡以及Saatchi & Saatchi香港和新加坡任过职,并服务过宜家、曼妥思、大华银行、新加坡旅游局、新加坡航空等客户。


※ Steve Zaroff擢升为奥美美国区首席策略官

globalwire-Ogilvy & Mather

美国 – 近日,奥美(Ogilvy & Mather)宣布擢升行业老将Steve Zaroff为奥美美国区首席策略官。据悉,他将于今夏履新。




※ 电通安吉斯集团与广告业务组织IAB新加坡达成合作


新加坡- 近日,电通安吉斯集团新加坡互动广告局(IAB Singapore)宣布达成合作关系。据了解,互动广告局(Interactive Advertising Bureau,简称IAB)是一个全球性广告业务组织,其主要职能是制定广告行业标准、发起行业研究、为在线广告提供法律支持。目前,该组织已在全球拥有多个成员公司。

合作达成之后,电通安吉斯的整个创意、媒介、数字代理机构,包括电通、dentsu X、Gryo、安布思沛(iProspect)、安索帕以及博视得(Posterscope)等都将成为IAB成员,加入广告行业的非盈利体系。而此前,电通安吉斯旗下代理机构凯络、Vizeum、安纳特已经成为IAB成员。


※ 麦肯马来西亚针对千禧一代成立社区平台McCann Next

globalwire-mccann next-2070721

马来西亚 – 近日,麦肯马来西亚(McCann Worldgroup Malaysia)宣布成立专门针对千禧一代的社区平台McCann Next,旨在召集千禧一代及其他具有创意头脑者进行创意项目合作。麦肯方面表示目前已有品牌表示对这一项目感兴趣,因此该项目计划在不久的将来就可以将客户的实时任务介绍给项目参与者。

此外,麦肯还和马来西亚顶尖传播设计院校之一的齐藤大学签署谅解备忘录(MOU),该学院的学生此后可以加入McCann Next。

据悉,麦肯东京的Shun Matsuzaka将转战麦肯马来西亚任数字创意总监一职,并负责这一项目。此前,他曾在东京带领团队McCANN MILLENNIALS创造出世界上首个人工智能创意总监。


※ 宝马加拿大与合作22年的Cundari分手,新广告代理商是FCB加拿大


加拿大 – 日前,宝马结束了与广告代理商Cundari的合作关系。经过比稿,FCB加拿大赢得该汽车品牌广告业务。据悉,FCB英国迄今也已为宝马服务过三年。



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